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Huizhou Haiping Electronices Co., Ltd.
Produsen kustom
Guangdong, China
Produk utama: Pemutar meja putar, Speaker Bluetooth, pemutar meja putar multifungsi
Total trading staff (3)Cooperated suppliers (70)Testing instruments (5)Total staff (168)
This supplier has been verified onsite by world-leading inspection company,
SGS Group
Terverifikasi di lokasi dengan dunia perusahaan inspeksi, SGS Group

Huizhou Haiping Electronics Co. Ltd

It was founded in 2009. We are specializing in the production of high-end Hi-Fi turntable players, retro turntable players, portable suitcase turntable players, record storage cases, Bluetooth speakers, multimedia speakers, Hi-Fi power amplifiers, Hi-Fi speakers.


Our products are of high quality, fashionable, not only have the broad masses of the domestic sales market, but also exported to Europe and the US.


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